Braid Art Labs GroBoto
GroBoto makes creating in three dimensions exciting and enjoyable. It’s fast and intuitive. You will create in minutes and see your results in seconds — if not sooner. When it comes to 3D graphics, computers are the right tool for the job an opportunity to combine what they do best, calculate, with what we do best, create. GroBoto is a bridge between Artist & Machine, Art & Science... and just a kick to play with.
All Kinds of Art & Design
GroBoto delivers the quality, resolution, speed, and compositing options required for your work. Features like: True geometry (no polygons); Proprietary Texture technology; Inline image filtering; 32-bit error-diffusion, insure that GroBoto images are fit for any job you have in mind. GroBoto creates wonderful images on it's own, and plays really well with others...
Ultra high quality, high resolutions images take only a minute to render and work beautifully with your 2D applications like Photoshop. All of our alpha channel options are precise & clean for flawless, flexible compositing.
Motion Graphics
GroBoto's unique 3D 'Kinetic Morphing' and true 3D forms provide great abstract dimensional motion with a choice of rendering styles. It's alpha channels of unparalleled quality and a variety of flavors allow perfect compositing in Final Cut, Motion, After Effects or any Film/Video/Animation program.
Create elegant design elements. A truly infinite variety of abstract forms and compositions emerge with just a few clicks. The quality and resolution demands of designing for print are easily handled by GroBoto - without long render times.
3D Modeling & Imaging
Make stunning 3D images at very high resolution in no time. Easily create unique models with a level of richness & complexity that no other tool can match.
System Requirements:
Win Windows XP or Vista**
Memory: 1 Gigabyte • 2 Gigabytes or more
Processor: 1.5 GHz • 2GHz or better
Display: 1024 x 768 • 1280 x 800 or bigger
Input Device: Any • 2-Button Mouse w/Scroll Wheel
Size 96.7 MB
Program full tested and 100% working.