مجموعه عظیم کتب علوم کامپیوتر -به صورت کامل
Computer Science Ebook Library
بیش از 15 گیگابایت کتابهای بی قیمت علوم کامپیوتر و تکنولوژی - برای اولین بار از
کتاب های مجموعه:
A History Of Modern Computing 2nd ed
- Paul Ceruzzi.pdf 5.1 MB
Aho - Compilers - Principles, Techniques, and Tools 2e.pdf 48.2 MB
Alfred Aho - Data Structures and Algorithms [html].pdf 6.6 MB
Algorithms - R. Sedgewick (1983) WW.pdf 4.6 MB
Algorithms and Data Structures - Niklaus Wirth.pdf 1.2 MB
Algorithms and Data Structures The Science of Computing - Douglas Baldwin.chm
10.2 MB
Algorithms for Computer Algebra - K. Geddes, S. Czapor, G. Labahn (1992) WW.djvu
4.7 MB
Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed, Part 1-4 - Robert Sedgewick.chm 5.4 MB
Algorithms in Java, 3rd Ed, Part 5 Graph Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick.chm 4.2
Alsuwaiyel - Algorithms Design Techniques and Analysis (Worldsci, 1999).djvu
24.3 MB
Ammeraal - Computer Graphics for Java Programmers 2e.chm 12.6 MB
An Intro to Computer Simulation Methods - Applns to Physical Systems 3rd ed. -
H. Gould, et al., [poor scan, dp] (Pearson, 2007) WW.pdf
40.9 MB
An Introduction to Distributed Algorithms - B. Valmir (MIT, 1996) WW.pdf 3.1 MB
An Introduction to Game Theory - Eric Rasmusen.pdf 7 MB
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - Melanie Mitchell.pdf 6.2 MB
An Introduction to Pattern Recognition - Michael Alder.pdf 4.4 MB
An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica 3rd ed - P. Wellin, et al.,
(Cambridge, 2005) WW.pdf 26.6 MB
An Introduction to Systems Science - J. Warfield (World, 2006) WW.pdf 22.2 MB
Analysis of Algorithms - An Active Learning Approach - J. McConnell (2001)
WW.pdf 1.5 MB
Andress - Surviving Security - How to Integrate People, Process and Technology
2e (Auerbach, 2004).chm 3.6 MB
Arnold - Embedded Controller Hardware Design.pdf 1.3 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Alpaydin - Introduction to Machine Learning (MIT,
2004).pdf 36.2 MB
Artificial Intelligence / An Introduction to Neural Networks - Patrick van der
Smagt.pdf 1.3 MB
Artificial Intelligence / An Introduction to Neural Networks 8th ed. - B. Krose,
P. Van der Smagt (1996) WW.pdf 1.3 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence - M. Boden (AP, 1996) WW.pdf
22.6 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence - Mirrors for the Mind - H.
Henderson (2007) WW.pdf 3.4 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence Illuminated - B. Coppin (Jones
and Bartlett, 2004) WW.pdf 5.3 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Neural Networks in Real-life Applications -
Juan R. Rabunal.pdf 8.8 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Bentley - Creative Evolutionary Systems (Academic,
2002).pdf 46.5 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Bourg - AI for Game Developers (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
2.8 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Bow - Pattern Recognition and Image Preprocessing
2e.pdf 37.2 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Buckland - AI Techniques for Game Programming
(Premier, 2002).pdf 9.5 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Charles - Biologically Inspired Artificial
Intelligence for Computer Games.pdf 4.7 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Cordon - Genetic Fuzzy Systems - Evolutionary Tuning
and Learning of Fuzzy Knowledge Bases (WorldSci, 2001).pdf
6.5 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Evolutionary Algorithms - The Role of Mutation and
Recombination - W. Spears (Springer, 2000) WW.djvu
2.1 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Fundamentals of the New Artificial Intelligence 2nd ed
- T. Munakata (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf 4 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Fuzzy Expert Systems and Fuzzy Reasoning - William
Siler.pdf 3.6 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Fuzzy Sets And Systems Theory And Applications -
Didier Dubois , Henri Prade.pdf 9.5 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Galushkin - Neural Networks Theory (Springer,
2007).pdf 16.9 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Grana - Information Processing with Evolutionary
Algorithms (Springer, 2005).pdf 3.9 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Graupe - Principles of Artificial Neural Networks 2e (WorldSci,
2007).pdf 3.8 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Hagan - Neural Network Design (PWS, 1996).pdf 10.2 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Haupt - Practical Genetic Algorithms 2e (Wiley,
2004).pdf 3.9 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Haykin - Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation
2e (Pearson, 1999).pdf 40.4 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Heaton - Programming Neural Networks in Java [html].pdf
1.6 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Hingston - Design by Evolution - Advances in
Evolutionary Design (Springer, 2008).pdf 31.1 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Intelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists 2d ed
- Adrian A. Hopgood.pdf 3 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Intro to Pattern Recognition - Stat, Struct, Neural,
Fuzzy Logic Approaches - M. Friedman, A. Kandel (World, 1999)
WW.djvu 1.9 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Introduction to Machine Learning - Nils J Nilsson.pdf
2.6 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Johnston - The Allure of Machinic Life - Cybernetics,
Artificial Life and the New AI (MIT, 2008).pdf 4.4 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Jones - Artificial Intelligence - A Systems Approach
(Infinity, 2008).pdf 8.4 MB
9.4 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Sumathi - Evolutionary Intelligence - An Introduction
to Theory and Applications with Matlab (Springer, 2008).pdf
10.5 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Talbi - Metaheuristics - From Design to Implementation
(Wiley, 2009).pdf 5.7 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Tanimoto - Elements of Artificial Intelligence -
Intro. using LISP (CompSci, 1987).pdf 27 MB
Artificial Intelligence / The Computer and the Brain - J. Von Neumann (Yale,
1958) WW.pdf 26.5 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Vince - Evolutionary Game Theory, Natural Selection,
and Darwinian Dynamics (Cambridge, 2005).pdf 5.5 MB
Artificial Intelligence / Zurada - Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems (WPC,
1992).pdf 33.4 MB
Axelson - USB Complete 3e.pdf 6.9 MB
Aycock - Computer Viruses and Malware (Springer, 2006).pdf 10.8 MB
Balaji,Frontline - Embedded System Design Using 8051 Microcontrollers.pdf 2.3 MB
Baldwin - Algorithms and Data Structures - Science of Computing (Charles River,
2004).chm 10.2 MB
Barr - Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ (O'Reilly, 1999).chm 488.3 KB
Batagelj - Data Science and Classification (Springer, 2006).pdf 4 MB
Bernd Jahne - Computer Vision and Applications.pdf 22.7 MB
Bernd Jahne - Digital Image Processing 5th Ed.pdf 19.7 MB
Bishop - Computer Security - Art And Science.chm 2.6 MB
Biskup - Security in Computing Systems (Springer, 2009).pdf 4.7 MB
Blum - Professional Assembly Language.pdf 6.6 MB
Blunden - Memory Management - Algor. and Impl. in C-C++ (Wordware, 2002).pdf 4
Bradley - Essential Computer Security (Syngress, 2006).pdf 7.8 MB
Brancik - Insider Computer Fraud (Auerbach, 2008).pdf 4.9 MB
Brass - Advanced Data Structures (Cambridge, 2008).pdf 1.6 MB
Brookshear - Computer Science - An Overview 9e.djvu 12.9 MB
Brookshear - Computer Science - An Overview 9e.pdf 293 MB
Brown - Computer Evidence - Collection and Preservation (Thomson, 2006).pdf 5.1
Buede - The Engineering Design of Systems - Models and Methods 2e (Wiley,
2009).pdf 4.7 MB
Buss - 3D Computer Graphics - A Mathematical Introduction with OpenGL.pdf 7.7 MB
Buss - 3D Computer Graphics - Mathem. Intro with OpenGL (Cambridge, 2003).pdf
5.9 MB
Butow - User Interface Design for Mere Mortals.pdf 9.4 MB
Cauldwell - Code Leader - Using People, Tools and Processes to Build Successful
Software (Wrox, 2008).pdf 3.2 MB
Chabert - A History of Algorithms - From the Pebble to the Microchip (Springer,
1999).djvu 6.6 MB
.chm 3.6 MB
Cryptography / Burnett - RSA Security's Official Guide to Cryptography - S.
Burnett, S. Paine (2001) WW.pdf 9.2 MB
Cryptography / Cole - Hiding In Plain Sight - Steganography And The Art Of
Covert Communication.pdf 7.7 MB
Cryptography / Contemporary Cryptology - D. Catalino, et al., (Birkhauser, 2005)
WW.pdf 2.2 MB
Cryptography / Cox - Digital Watermarking and Steganography 2e (Morgan,
2008).pdf 10 MB
Cryptography / Cryptography - A Very Short Introduction - F. Piper, S. Murphy
(Oxford, 2002) WW.chm 1.3 MB
Cryptography / Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices, 4th
Ed - William Stallings.pdf 52.9 MB
Cryptography / Cryptography for Developers - Simon Johnson.pdf 5 MB
Cryptography / Cryptography for Dummies - C. Cobb (2004) WW.chm 4 MB
Cryptography / Cryptography for Internet and Database Applns - N. Galbreath
(Wiley, 2002) WW.pdf 1.4 MB
Cryptography / Cryptography Theory And Practice - Douglas Stinson.chm 14.5 MB
Cryptography / Friedman - Military Cryptanalysis.pdf 47.5 MB
Cryptography / Fundamentals Of Cryptology - H. van Tilborg (Kluwer, 2002) WW.pdf
29.7 MB
Cryptography / Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography - Darrel Hankerson.pdf 4.4
Data Mining - Concepts, Models, Methods, and Algorithms - M. Kantardzic (Wiley,
2003) WW.chm 8.4 MB
Databases and SQL / Abbass - Data Mining - A Heuristic Approach (Idea, 2002).pdf
1.8 MB
Databases and SQL / Bales - Beginning PL-SQL - From Novice to Pro (Apress,
2007).pdf 7.2 MB
Databases and SQL / Balling - High Performance MySQL (O'Reilly, 2004).chm 987.2
Databases and SQL / Beaulieu - Mastering Oracle SQL 2e (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
711.6 KB
Databases and SQL / Beighley - Head First SQL (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf 47.9 MB
Databases and SQL / Ben-Gan - Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - T-SQL
Programming (Microsoft, 2006).chm 2.6 MB
Databases and SQL / Bryla - Oracle Database Foundations (Sybex, 2004).chm 10.5
l and Reference (AW, 2007).pdf 4.8 MB
Databases and SQL / Litchfield - Database Hacker's Handbook - Defending Database
Servers (Wiley, 2005).chm 1.1 MB
Databases and SQL / Loney - Oracle Database 10g - The Complete Reference
(McGraw, 2004).pdf 6.5 MB
Databases and SQL / Maimon - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook
(Springer, 2005).djvu 14.1 MB
Databases and SQL / Matthew - Beginning Databases with PostgreSQL - From Novice
to Pro 2e (Apress, 2005).pdf 18.4 MB
Databases and SQL / McCue - Data Mining and Predictive Analysis (Elsevier,
2007).pdf 3.6 MB
Databases and SQL / Molinaro - SQL Cookbook (O'Reilly, 2005).chm 674 KB
Databases and SQL / Nielsen - SQL Server 2005 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf 32.3 MB
Databases and SQL / Oppel - Databases Demystified (McGraw, 2004).pdf 9.4 MB
Databases and SQL / Owens - The Definitive Guide to SQLite (Apress, 2006).pdf
9.7 MB
Databases and SQL / Pachev - Understanding MySQL Internals (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf
1.7 MB
Databases and SQL / Patrick - SQL Fundamentals 3e (Pearson, 2008).pdf 5.8 MB
Databases and SQL / Physical Database Design - S. Lightstone, et al., (Elsevier,
2007) WW.pdf 9.3 MB
Databases and SQL / Piattini - Advanced Database Technology and Design (Artech,
2000).pdf 3.5 MB
Databases and SQL / Plew - Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours 3e (Sams, 2002).chm
1006.1 KB
Databases and SQL / Powell - Beginning Database Design (Wrox, 2006).pdf 10.7 MB
Databases and SQL / Reid - Pro Access 2007 (Apress, 2007).pdf 4.8 MB
Databases and SQL / Riordan - Designing Effective Database Systems (AW,
2005).chm 5.2 MB
Databases and SQL / Rizzo - Pro SQL Server 2005 (Apress, 2006).pdf 22.4 MB
Databases and SQL / Schwartz - High Performance MySQL 2e (O'Reilly, 2008).pdf
5.6 MB
Databases and SQL / Simovici - Mathematical Tools for Data Mining (Springer,
2008).pdf 5.9 MB
Databases and SQL / Stephens - Teach Yourself SQL in 24 Hours 4e (Sams,
2008).pdf 2.2 MB
Databases and SQL / Tow - SQL Tuning (O'Reilly, 2003).chm 989.2 KB
Databases and SQL / Viescas - SQL Queries for Mere Mortals 2e (Pearson,
2008).pdf 3.3 MB
Databases and SQL / Wilton,Colby - Beginning SQL (Wrox, 2005).pdf 8.9 MB
Databases and SQL / Wolkenhauser - Data Engineering - Fuzzy Mathematics in
Systems Theory and Data Analysis (Wiley, 2001).djvu
2.4 MB
Databases and SQL / Xu - Clustering [data mining] (Wiley, 2009).pdf 6.9 MB
Databases and SQL / Yadava - The Berkeley DB Book (Apress, 2007).pdf 5.8 MB
Date - An Introduction to Database Systems 8e - INSTRUCTOR.pdf 1 MB
Date - An Introduction to Database Systems 8e.djvu 26.8 MB
Davis - MATLAB Primer 7e (CRC, 2005).pdf 1.8 MB
Design And Analysis Of Distributed Algorithms -N. Santoro (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf
3.6 MB
Detmer - Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture.pdf
4.9 MB
Digital Data Integrity - D. Little, et al., (Wiley, 2007) WW.pdf 2.3 MB
DiMarzio - The Debugger's Handbook [software debugging] (Auerbach, 2007).pdf
14.8 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Acharjya - Fundamental Approach to Discrete Mathematics
(New Age, 2005).pdf 4.3 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Ahlswede - General Theory of Information Transfer and
Combinatorics (Springer, 2006).pdf 12 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Anderson - Automata Theory with Modern Applications
(Cambridge, 2006).pdf 1.6 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Andreescu - A Path to Combinatorics for Undergraduates (Birkhauser,
2004).djvu 4 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Antoniou - Practical Optimization - Algorithms and
Engineering Applications (Springer, 2007).pdf 5 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Applebaum - Probability and Information - Integrated
Approach 2e (Cambridge, 2008).pdf 1.2 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Arora - Computational Complexity - A Modern Approach
(Cambridge, 2009).pdf 4.6 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Barwise,Etchemendy - Language Proof And Logic.pdf 3.7 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Bender - Foundations of Combinatorics with Applications
(2005).pdf 4 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Bennett - Logic Made Easy (2004).pdf 3.8 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Bergmann - The Logic Book 5e [ocr, discrete maths]
(McGraw, 2009).pdf 226 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Bewersdorff - Luck, Logic and White Lies - Mathematics of
Games (AKP, 2005).pdf 30.2 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Gentle - Matrix Algebra - Theory, Computations and
Applications in Statistics (Springer, 2007).pdf 3.8 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Gibilisco - Math Proofs Demystified.pdf 2.7 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Giblin - Primes and Programming (Cambridge, 1993).djvu
1.8 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Golub - Matrix Computations 3e (Hopkins, 1996).djvu 5.4
Discrete Mathematics / Golumbic - Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Algorithms
(Springer, 2005).pdf 3.6 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Greene,Knuth - Mathematics for the Analysis of Algorithms
3e (Birkhauser, 1990).djvu 834.6 KB
Discrete Mathematics / Grunig - Successful Decision-making - A Systematic
Approach to Complex Problems (Springer, 2005).pdf
8.7 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Hall - Combinatorial Theory 2e (Wiley, 1986).pdf 34.3 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Hargreaves - Game Theory - Critical Introduction (Routledge,
1995).pdf 4.7 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Harris - Combinatorics and Graph Theory 2e (Springer,
2008).pdf 5.4 MB
Discrete Mathematics / How to Prove It - A Structured Approach 2nd ed - D.
Velleman (Cambridge, 2006) WW.pdf 23.9 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Hrbacek,Jech - Introduction to Set Theory 3rd Ed.djvu 2.9
Discrete Mathematics / Hurley - A Concise Introduction To Logic 7th Ed.pdf 3.3
Discrete Mathematics / Jungnickel - Graphs, Networks and Algorithms 3e
(Springer, 2008).pdf 5.2 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Kac - Mathematics and Logic (Britannica, 1968).pdf 6.8 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Koerner - Naive Decision Making (Cambridge, 2008).pdf 1.4
in (CRC, 2004) WW.pdf 8.2 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Shoup - Computational Introduction to Number Theory and
Algebra v2 [cc] (2008).pdf 3.5 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Shu-Lin - Error Control Coding - Fundamentals and
Applications (Prentice, 1983).pdf 22.3 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Singh - Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science
(2005).pdf 2.6 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Sinha - Mathematical Programming - Theory and Methods
(Elsevier, 2006).djvu 6 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Sipser - Introduction to the Theory of Computation 2e
(Thomson, 2006).djvu 6.6 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Strevens - Bigger Than Chaos - Understanding Complexity
through Probability (Harvard, 2003).pdf 3.8 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Takeuti - Proof Theory (Elsevier, 1987).pdf 23.4 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Talbot - Complexity and Cryptography - An Introduction
(Cambridge, 2006).pdf 3.3 MB
Discrete Mathematics / The Nuts and Bolts of Proofs 3rd ed - A. Cupillari
(Elsevier, 2005) WW.pdf 6.2 MB
Discrete Mathematics / The Proof Is in the Pudding - The Changing Nature of
Mathematical Proof - S. Krantz (2007) WW.pdf 2.6 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Volberda - Rethinking Strategy (Sage, 2001).pdf 1.6 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Williams - Logic and Integer Programming (Springer,
2009).pdf 2.7 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Williamson - Combinatorics for Computer Science
(1985).djvu 3.9 MB
Discrete Mathematics / Zegarelli - Logic for Dummies (Wiley, 2007).pdf 5.1 MB
Dobson - Introduction to Generalized Linear Models 2e (CRC, 2002).pdf 1.9 MB
Dodge - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Inside Out (Microsoft, 2007).chm 73.2 MB
Donahue - Network Warrior.chm 8.9 MB
Dorf - Modern Control Systems 11e (Pearson, 2008).pdf 301.6 MB
Dykes - XML for Dummies 4e.pdf 7.3 MB
Eilam - Reversing - Secrets of Reverse Engineering.pdf 8.6 MB
Eisenberg - SVG Essentials (O'Reilly, 2002).pdf 13.3 MB
Elements of Information Theory 2nd ed - T. Cover, J. Thomas (Wiley, 2006) WW.pdf
10.1 MB
Fishwick - Aesthetic Computing (MIT, 2006).pdf 7.7 MB
Fleischer - Experimental Algorithmics (Springer, 2002).pdf 3.2 MB
Flynt - Beginning Math Concepts for Game Developers (Cengage, 2006).chm 8.1 MB
Foley - Introduction to Computer Graphics.pdf 72.2 MB
Forouzan - Data Communications and Networking 4e (McGraw, 2007).djvu 18.9 MB
Foundations of 3D Graphics Programming - J. Chen, E. Wegman (Springer, 2006)
WW.pdf 2 MB
Fractal Image Compression - Theory and Applications - Y. Fisher (Springer, 1995)
WW.djvu 6.8 MB
Fundamentals of Data Structures - Ellis Horowitz.chm 2.4 MB
Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes - W. Cary Huffman.pdf 11.8 MB
Fuzzy Algorithms - With Applications to Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
- Z. Chi, et al., (World, 1996) WW.djvu 3.6 MB
Fuzzy Models and Algorithms for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing - J.
Bezdek, et al., (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf 55.4 MB
Galitz - Essential Guide to User Interface Design 3e [GUI] (Wiley, 2007).pdf
11.2 MB
Game Programming / 3D Game Programming All In One (Premier Press, 2004).pdf 17
09).pdf 6.9 MB
Game Programming / McShaffry - Game Coding Complete (Paraglyph Press, 2003).chm
12.8 MB
Game Programming / Palmer - Physics For Game Programmers (Apress, 2005).pdf 5 MB
Game Programming / Rabin - AI Game Programming Wisdom (2002).pdf 37.9 MB
Game Programming / Texturing And Modeling - A Procedural Approach, 3rd Ed
(Morgan Kaufmann, 2003).pdf 11.8 MB
Game Theory - Drew Fudenberg.pdf 26.2 MB
Ganssle - The Art of Designing Embedded Systems.pdf 15.4 MB
Gast - Wireless Networks - The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly).chm 7.5 MB
Getz - Graphics With Mathematica [Fractals etc.] (Elsevier, 2004).pdf 36.3 MB
Gillam - Unicode Demystified.chm 3.6 MB
Global Information Society - Y. Lan (Idea, 2005) WW.pdf 4.7 MB
Gook - PC Hardware Interfaces - Developer's Reference (ALIST, 2004).chm 8.7 MB
Govil-Pai - Principles of Computer Graphics [Using OpenGL and Maya] (Springer,
2004).pdf 21.1 MB
Graff - Secure Coding Principles and Practices.chm 641.6 KB
Grama - Introduction to Parallel Computing 2e.chm 6 MB
Graphics Gems Vol. 1 - Glassner.djvu 4.6 MB
Graphics Gems Vol. 2 - Arvo.djvu 3.7 MB
Graphics Gems Vol. 3 - Kirk.djvu 3.7 MB
Groetker - The Developer's Guide to Debugging (Springer, 2008).pdf 3.2 MB
Grune - Parsing Techniques - Practical Guide 2e (Springer, 2008).pdf 2.7 MB
Guide to RISC Processors - For Programmers and Engineers - S. Dandamudi
(Springer, 2005) WW.pdf 1.3 MB
Gunderloy - Developer to Designer - GUI Design for the Busy Developer (Sybex,
2005).pdf 11.1 MB
W.pdf 31.7 MB
Information Theory - Robert Ash.pdf 11.3 MB
Information Visualization - Perception for Design 2nd ed. - C. Ware (Elsevier,
2004) WW.pdf 37.5 MB
Intelligent Data Mining - D. Ruan, et al., (Springer, 2005) WW.pdf 9.3 MB
Introduction to Algorithms 2nd [Instructor's Manual] - MIT Faculty (2002) WW.pdf
1.7 MB
Introduction to Algorithms 2nd ed - T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein
(MIT, 2001) WW.chm 17.9 MB
Introduction to Cybernetics - W. Ashby (1957) WW.pdf 2 MB
Introduction to Error Correcting Codes - M. Ourser (1995) WW.pdf 4.6 MB
Introduction to Quantum Computers - G. Berman, et al., (World, 1998) WW.pdf 7.4
Irvine - Assembly Language for Intel-based Computers 4e.iso 16.5 MB
Irvine - Assembly Language for Intel-based Computers 4e.pdf 83.1 MB
J.Vince - Mathematics for Computer Graphics 2e.pdf 3.6 MB
Kakde - Algorithms for Compiler Design (Charles River, 2002).chm 10.7 MB
Kalechman - Practical Matlab Applications for Engineers (CRC, 2008).pdf 7.2 MB
Kalechman - Practical Matlab Basics for Engineers (CRC, 2008).pdf 11.4 MB
Kao - Encyclopedia of Algorithms (Springer, 2008).pdf 54.6 MB
Kaye - An Introduction to Quantum Computing.pdf 9.7 MB
Kent - Microsoft Office 2003 Super Bible (Wiley, 2003).pdf 34 MB
Keogh - Data Structures Demystified (McGraw, 2004).chm 2.8 MB
Kilian - Modern Control Technology - Components and Systems 3e (Cengage,
2005).pdf 7.9 MB
Kleinberg - Algorithm Design (Pearson, 2006).pdf 42.8 MB
Klemens - Modeling with Data - Tools and Techniques for Scientific Computing
(Princeton, 2008).pdf 3.7 MB
Korpela - Unicode Explained (O'Reilly, 2006).chm 4 MB
Kshemkalyani - DistriB
ice, 2006).chm 3.4 MB
Linux and UNIX / Hatch - Hacking Exposed - Linux (McGraw, 2001).pdf 97 MB
Linux and UNIX / Herbert - Linux TCP-IP Stack - Networking for Embedded Systems
(Charles River, 2004).pdf 2.4 MB
Linux and UNIX / Hong - Building a Server with FreeBSD 7 - Modular Approach (No
Starch, 2008).chm 740.9 KB
Linux and UNIX / Hope - Mastering FreeBSD And OpenBSD Security (O'Reilly,
2005).chm 1.3 MB
Linux and UNIX / Hudson - Red Hat Fedora 5 Unleashed (Sams, 2006).chm 16.1 MB
Linux and UNIX / Hudson - Ubuntu Unleashed (Sams, 2006).chm 15.4 MB
Linux and UNIX / Jeff - User Mode Linux [UML] (Prentice, 2006).chm 1.1 MB
Linux and UNIX / Johnson - Performance Tuning for Linux Servers (Prentice,
2005).chm 6.2 MB
Linux and UNIX / Loeliger - Version Control with Git (O'Reilly, 2009).pdf 6.3 MB
Linux and UNIX / Loki,Hall - Programming Linux Games [SDL] (No Starch, 2001).pdf
1.8 MB
Linux and UNIX / Love - Beginning Unix (Wrox, 2005).pdf 8.3 MB
Linux and UNIX / Robbins - Learning the Vi and Vim Editors 7e (O'Reilly,
2008).pdf 6.9 MB
Linux and UNIX / Robbins - Unix Systems Programming - Communication, Concurrency
and Threads (Prentice, 2003).chm 2.5 MB
Linux and UNIX / Rodriguez - Linux Kernel Primer - Top-Down Approach for x86 and
PowerPC Arch. (O'Reilly, 2005).chm 2.6 MB
Linux and UNIX / Rosen - UNIX - The Complete Reference 2e (McGraw, 2006).chm
12.5 MB
Linux and UNIX / Schroder - Linux Cookbook (O'Reilly, 2004).chm 1.6 MB
Linux and UNIX / Schroder - Linux Networking Cookbook (O'Reilly, 2008).pdf 3.4
4.2 MB
Loguidice - Vintage Games - An Insider Look at the History of the Most
Influential Games of All Time (Focal, 2009).pdf 30.9 MB
Ludwig - The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses (1995).pdf 5.7 MB
Luna - Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 (Wordware, 2003).pdf
6.6 MB
Macmillan Science Library - Computer Sciences / Macmillan Science
Library-Computer Sciences Vol 1.pdf 7.4 MB
Macmillan Science Library - Computer Sciences / Macmillan Science
Library-Computer Sciences Vol 2.pdf 5.7 MB
Macmillan Science Library - Computer Sciences / Macmillan Science
Library-Computer Sciences Vol 3.pdf 6.3 MB
Macmillan Science Library - Computer Sciences / Macmillan Science
Library-Computer Sciences Vol 4.pdf 7.2 MB
Maran Illustrated - Computers - Guided Tour [intro,ocr] (2005).pdf 145.9 MB
Martz - OpenGL Distilled (AW, 2006).chm 1.1 MB
Mathematics of Digital Images - Creation, Compression, Restoration, Recognition;
S. G. Hoggar (Cambridge, 2006).pdf 8.2 MB
McNeil - Quantitative Risk Management - Concepts, Techniques and Tools
(Princeton, 2005).pdf 6.7 MB
McReynolds - Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL (Elsevier, 2005).pdf
11.2 MB
Meigs - Ultimate Game Design - Building Game Worlds (McGraw, 2003).pdf 6.6 MB
Methodology / Albin - Art Of Software Architecture.chm 5.7 MB
Methodology / Allen - Software Security Engineering (AW, 2008).chm 1.7 MB
Methodology / Auer,Miller - eXtreme Programming Applied - Play to Win.pdf 681.3
Methodology / Bain - Emergent Design [software development] (AW, 2008).pdf 6.4
Methodology / Bass - Software Architecture in Practice 2e.chm 4 MB
Methodology / Beck - Extreme Programming Explained - Embrace Change 2nd Ed.chm
824.4 KB
Methodology / Meyer - Object Oriented Software Construction 2nd Ed.pdf 15.8 MB
Methodology / Myers - The Art of Software Testing 2e.pdf 2.4 MB
Methodology / Oram,Wilson - Beautiful Code.chm 4.8 MB
Methodology / PeopleWare - Productive Projects and Teams 2nd ed. - T. Demarco,
T. Lister (Dorset, 1999) WW.pdf 2.9 MB
Microsoft Office / Etheridge - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Programming (Wiley,
2007).pdf 23.1 MB
Microsoft Office / Feddema - Access 2007 VBA Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf 23.3 MB
ft Office Project 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf 67.6 MB
Microsoft Office / Morrison - Word 2007 Beyond the Manual (Apress, 2007).pdf
13.5 MB
Microsoft Office / Nelson - Excel 2007 Data Analysis for Dummies (Wiley,
2007).pdf 18 MB
Microsoft Office / Saunders - Programming Excel with VBA And .NET (O'Reilly,
2006).chm 8.8 MB
Microsoft Office / Simpson - Access 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies
(Wiley, 2007).pdf 18.8 MB
Microsoft Office / Viescas - Microsoft Office Access 2007 Inside Out (Microsoft,
2007).chm 119.8 MB
Microsoft Office / Walkenbach - Microsoft Office 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
53.5 MB
Microsoft Office / Weverka - Office 2007 All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies
(Wiley, 2007).pdf 29 MB
Microsoft Office / Winston - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Data Analysis and
Business Modeling (Microsoft, 2007).chm 39.8 MB
Mills - Theoretical Introduction to Programming.pdf 1.7 MB
Miranda - Computer Sound Design - Synthesis Techniques and Programming 2e
(Focal, 2002).pdf 3.9 MB
Modern Compiler Design - D. Grune, et a., (Wiley, 2000) WW.djvu 5 MB
Modern Processor Design - Funds of Superscalar Processors - J. Shen, M. Lipasti
[dp] (TAT Mc-Graw-Hill, 2005) WW.djvu 12.4 MB
Molina,Ullman - Database Systems The Complete Book.pdf 51 MB
Mueller - Upgrading and Repairing Laptops 2e (Que, 2005).chm 9.1 MB
Mueller - Upgrading and Repairing PCs 17e (Que, 2006).chm 23.8 MB
Mueller - Upgrading and Repairing Servers (Que, 2006).chm 16.6 MB
Munshi - OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide (AW, 2008).pdf 4.2 MB
Myatt - Making Sense of Data I - Practical Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis
(Wiley, 2007).pdf 5.1 MB
Myatt - Making Sense of Data II - Practical Guide to Data Visualization (Wiley,
2009).pdf 12.9 MB
Nakahara - Quantum Computing - From Linear Algebra to Physical Realizations (CRC,
2008).pdf 6.2 MB
Nayak - Handbook of Applied Algorithms (Wiley, 2008).pdf 32.4 MB
Networks / Adomi - Security and Software for Cybercafes (IGI, 2008).pdf 2.8 MB
Networks / Clark - Data Networks, IP and the Internet - Protocols, Design and
Operation (Wiley, 2003).pdf 12.8 MB
Networks / Cole - Hackers Beware - Defending Your Network from the Wiley Hacker
(New Riders, 2001).pdf 4.9 MB
Networks / Cole - Network Security Bible (Wiley, 2005).pdf 12.5 MB
Networks / Comer - Internetworking with TCP-IP - Vol. I - Principles, Protocols
and Arch. 4e.pdf 37.8 MB
Networks / Comer - Internetworking with TCP-IP - Vol. III - Client-Server Prog.
and Applns 2e.pdf 8.1 MB
Networks / Costales - Sendmail 3e (O'Reilly, 2002).chm 2.3 MB
ard for Internet, Intranets and VPN 2e (Prentice, 2003).chm 1.6 MB
Networks / Dostalek - Understanding TCP-IP (Packt, 2006).pdf 12.7 MB
Networks / Doyle - Cisco - Routing TCP-IP - Volume 1.pdf 11.6 MB
Networks / Doyle - Cisco - Routing TCP-IP - Volume 2.pdf 93.5 MB
Networks / Drake - Governing Global Electronic Networks (MIT, 2008).pdf 4.4 MB
Networks / Driscoll - Next Generation IPTV Services and Technologies (Wiley,
2008).pdf 7.7 MB
Networks / Eady - Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers.pdf 31 MB
Networks / Endler - Hacking Exposed - VoIP (McGraw, 2007).chm 16.3 MB
Networks / Ergen - Mobile Broadband - Including WiMAX and LTE (Springer,
2009).pdf 10.2 MB
Networks / Erickson - Hacking - The Art of Exploitation (No Starch, 2003).chm
1.4 MB
Networks / Erickson - Hacking - The Art of Exploitation 2e (No Starch, 2008).chm
4.7 MB
Networks / Ethernet Networks 4th ed. - G. Held (Wiley, 2003) WW.pdf 5.2 MB
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Networks / Halabi - Internet Routing Architectures - Definitive BGP Resource 2e
(Cisco, 2000).pdf 4.7 MB
Networks / Hall - Internet Core Protocols - The Definitive Guide.chm 11.2 MB
Networks / Hansteen - The Book of PF - No-Nonsense Guide to the OpenBSD Firewall
(No Starch, 2008).pdf 3.6 MB
Networks / Harris - Gray Hat Hacking 2e (McGraw, 2007).pdf 12.6 MB
Networks / Heaton - Programming Spiders, Bots and Aggregators in Java (Sybex,
2002).pdf 3 MB
Networks / Held - TCP-IP Professional Reference Guide (Auerbach, 2001).pdf 7 MB
Networks / Hersent - IP Telephony - Deploying Voice-over-IP Protocols (Wiley,
2005).pdf 8.3 MB
Networks / Hildebrandt - The Book of Postfix (No Starch, 2005).pdf 3.4 MB
Networks / Hoffmann - Intelligence Support Systems - Technologies for Lawful
Intercepts (Auerbach, 2006).pdf 5.5 MB
Networks / Honeypots - Tracking Hackers - L. Spitzner (Addison-Wesley, 2002)
WW.pdf 2.1 MB
Networks / Howes - Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services 2e (AW,
2003).chm 5.3 MB
Networks / Hunt - Sendmail Cookbook (O'Reilly, 2003).chm 797.7 KB
Networks / Hunt - TCP-IP Network Administration 3e.chm 1.7 MB
Networks / Hurley - Wardriving - Drive, Detect, Defend - Guide To Wireless
Security (Syngress, 2004).chm 37.1 MB
Networks / Huth - Secure Communicating Systems (Cambridge, 2001).pdf 22.3 MB
Networks / Iniewski - Network Infrastructure and Architecture (Wiley, 2008).pdf
6.1 MB
Networks / Internet Denial of Service - Attack and Defense Mechanisms (PTC,
2004) WW.chm 2.1 MB
Networks / Intro to Network Analysis 2nd ed. - L. Chappell (Podbooks, 2001)
WW.pdf 29.6 MB
Networks / IP In Wireless Networks - B. Patil, et al., (PTR, 2003) WW.chm 2.6 MB
Networks / Mirkovic - Internet Denial of Service - Attack and Defense Mechanisms
[DDoS] (Prentice, 2004).chm 2.1 MB
Networks / Moodie - Pro Apache Tomcat 6 (Apress, 2007).pdf 3.9 MB
Networks / Naugle - Illustrated TCP-IP - A Graphic Guide to the Protocol Suite
(Wiley, 1999).chm 5.9 MB
Networks / Nizamutdinov - Hacker Web Exploitation Uncovered (ALIST, 2005).chm
555 KB
Networks / Noonan - Firewall Fundamentals (Cisco, 2006).chm 10.1 MB
Networks / Norris - Gigabit Ethernet - Technology and Applications (Artech,
2003).chm 3.6 MB
Networks / Northcutt - Inside Network Perimeter Security 2e (Sams, 2005).chm 8.6
Networks / Oppelman - Extreme Exploits - Advanced Defenses Against Hardcore
Hacks (McGraw, 2005).chm 10.6 MB
Networks / Pagani - Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking (Idea,
2005).pdf 20.5 MB
Networks / Peltier - Information Security Risk Analysis 2e (Auerbach, 2005).pdf
1.4 MB
Networks / Perlman - Bridges, Routers, Switches and Internetworking Protocols
2e.pdf 3 MB
Networks / PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging 2nd ed - J. Carlson (2000)
WW.pdf 1.2 MB
Networks / Rajshekhar - Building Dynamic Web 2.0 Websites with Ruby on Rails (Packt,
2008).pdf 8.6 MB
Networks / Rappin - Professional Ruby on Rails (Wrox, 2008).pdf 4.4 MB
Networks / Revett - Behavioral Biometrics - Remote Access Approach (Wiley,
2008).pdf 2.3 MB
Networks / Reynders - Practical TCP-IP and Ethernet Networking (Newnes,
2003).pdf 8.4 MB
mission - J. Anderson, R. Johannesson (IEEE, 2005) WW.pdf 3.4 MB
Networks / VanDyk - Pro Drupal Development 2e (Apress, 2008).pdf 11.1 MB
Networks / Vieler - Professional Rootkits [for Windows] (Wrox, 2007).chm 7.8 MB
Networks / Vladimirov - Hacking Exposed - Cisco Networks (McGraw, 2006).chm 9.8
Networks / Vladimirov - Wi-Foo - The Secrets of Wireless Hacking (AW, 2004).chm
6.7 MB
Networks / Wainwright - Pro Apache 3e (Apress, 2004).pdf 6.5 MB
Networks / Wall - Crime and the Internet [cybercrime] (Routledge, 2001).pdf 23.5
Networks / Wegner - IP Addressing and Subnetting - Including IPv6.chm 3 MB
Networks / Wessels - Squid - The Definitive Guide [proxy server] (O'Reilly,
2004).chm 1 MB
Networks / White - Practical BGP [network routing] (AW, 2004).chm 6.9 MB
Networks / Wireless Networking - Know it All (Newnes, 2008).pdf 14.3 MB
Networks / Wood - Programming Internet Email HQ [SMTP,MIME,IMAP,POP3] (O'Reilly,
1999).djvu 5.9 MB
Networks / Wouters - Building and Integrating VPNs with Openswan (Packt,
2006).pdf 4.5 MB
Networks / Young - The Hacker's Handbook - Breaking and Defending Networks (Auerbach,
2004).pdf 18.1 MB
Networks / Zdziarski - Ending Spam [bayesian filtering] (No Starch, 2005).chm 2
Nixon - Feature Extraction in Computer Vision and Image Processing.pdf 3.8 MB
Ogletree - Upgrading and Repairing Networks 5e (Que, 2006).chm 16.5 MB
Operating Systems / Allen - Windows XP Cookbook (O'Reilly, 2005).chm 4.3 MB
rty - Learning C Sharp 2005 2e (O'Reilly, 2006).chm 2.6 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / Liberty - Programming C Sharp 3.0 5e
(O'Reilly, 2008).pdf 4.3 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / Lippman - C++ Primer 4e (AW, 2005).chm
1.6 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / Lischner - Exploring C++ -
Programmer's Introduction to C++ (Apress, 2009).pdf 2.1 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / Logan - Cross Platform Development in
C++ (Pearson, 2007).pdf 4.2 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / Loudon - Mastering Algorithms with C
(O'Reilly, 1999).chm 1.9 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / MacDonald - Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C Sharp
2008 2e (Apress, 2007).pdf 51 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / MacDonald - Pro WPF in C Sharp 2008 2e
(Apress, 2008).pdf 15.4 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / Makofske - Sockets in C Sharp -
Practical Guide for Programmers (Elsevier, 2004).pdf
1.7 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / McMillan - Data Structures and
Algorithms Using C Sharp (Cambridge, 2007).pdf 5.2 MB
by Dissection (AW, 2002).pdf 5.2 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / Prata - C Primer Plus 5e (Sams,
2004).chm 3.3 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / Press - Numerical Recipes in C - The
Art of Scientific Computing 2e (Cambridge, 1992).pdf
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / Watson - Beginning Microsoft Visual C
Sharp (Wrox, 2008).pdf 17.4 MB
Programming Languages / C, C++, C Sharp / You Can Program in C++ - A
Programmer's Introduction; Francis Glassborow (Wiley, 2006).pdf
4.1 MB
Programming Languages / Cantu - Mastering Delphi 6 (Borland, 2001).pdf 11 MB
Programming Languages / Carlson - Ruby Cookbook (O'Reilly, 2006).chm 1.8 MB
Programming Languages / Chappell - Understanding .NET 2e (AW, 2006).chm 1.7 MB
Programming Languages / Chivers - Introduction to Programming with Fortran
(Springer, 2006).pdf 1.4 MB
Programming Languages / Clinton - Ruby Phrasebook [programming] (AW, 2008).pdf
1.5 MB
Programming Languages / Common Lisp - A Gentle Introduction To Symbolic
Computation - David S. Touretzky.pdf 1.1 MB
Programming Languages / Cooper - Beginning Ruby - From Novice to Pro (Apress,
2007).pdf 7.8 MB
Programming Languages / Cozens - Advanced Perl Programming 2e (O'Reilly).chm
857.4 KB
Programming Languages / HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax / Gross - Ajax Patterns and
Best Practices (Apress, 2006).pdf 15.2 MB
Programming Languages / HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax / Gupta - Accelerated GWT -
Building Enterprise Google Web Toolkit Applications
(Apress, 2008).pdf 3.8 MB
Programming Languages / HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax / Haine - HTML Mastery -
Semantics, Standards and Styling (Apress, 2006).pdf
2.9 MB
Programming Languages / HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax / Heilmann - Beginning
JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax (Apress, 2006).pdf
16.5 MB
Programming Languages / HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax / Holzner - Inside
JavaScript (New Riders, 2002).chm 11.1 MB
Programming Languages / HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax / Holzschlag - Cascading
Style Sheets - The Designers Edge [CSS] (Sybex,
2003).chm 21.9 MB
Programming Languages / HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax / Johnson - Enterprise AJAX
(Prentice, 2007).pdf 4.3 MB
Programming Languages / HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax / Kennedy - HTML & XHTML -
The Definitive Guide 6e (O'Reilly, 2006).chm
3.7 MB
Programming Languages / HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax / King - Website
Optimization - Speed, SEO and Conversion Rate Secrets (O'Reilly,
2008).pdf 7.9 MB
tures with Java 2e (Schaum Outline, 2007).pdf 7.2 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Hughes - Fundamentals of Computer Science using
Java (Jones, 2002).pdf 2.7 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Hunter - Java Servlet Programming 2e (O'Reilly,
2001).chm 2.2 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Jendrock - The Java EE 5 Tutorial 3e [J2EE] (AW,
2006).chm 4.9 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Johnsonet - Professional Java Development with
the Spring Framework (Wrox, 2005).chm 4.2 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Kalin - Java Web Services - Up and Running
(O'Reilly, 2009).chm 593 KB
Programming Languages / Java / Kalinovsky - Covert Java - Techniques for
Decompiling, Patching and Reverse Engineering (Sams,
2004).pdf 3.8 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Keith - Pro EJB 3 - Java Persistence API [JPA] (Apress,
2006).pdf 10.2 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Keogh - J2ME - The Complete Reference [Java]
(McGraw, 2003).pdf 10.1 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Klawonn - Introduction to Computer Graphics Using
Java 2D and 3D (Springer, 2008).pdf 2.5 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Knudsen - Wireless Java - Developing with J2ME 2e
(Apress, 2003).chm 2.6 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Kodali - Beginning EJB 3 Application Development
- From Novice to Pro [Java] (Apress, 2006).pdf 7
Programming Languages / Java / Kumar - J2EE Security for Servlets, EJBs and Web
Services (Prentice, 2003).chm 1.9 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Kumar - Pro Apache Geronimo (Apress, 2006).pdf
3.8 MB
Programming Languages / Java / Li - Beginning J2ME - From Novice to Pro 3e
[Java] (Apress, 2005).pdf 6.9 MB
rning C Sharp (O'Reilly).chm 927.7 KB
Programming Languages / Liberty - Programming C Sharp 3.0 5e (O'Reilly,
2007).pdf 3.5 MB
Programming Languages / Lutz - Learning Python 3e (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf 4.1 MB
amework Development (Packt, 2008).pdf 5.3 MB
kbook 2e (O'Reilly, 2006).chm 1.4 MB
Programming Languages / PHP / Snyder - Pro PHP Security (Apress, 2005).pdf 13.3
Programming Languages / PHP / Ullman - PHP 5 Advanced (Peachpit, 2007).pdf 10.8
Programming Languages / PHP / Ullman - PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites (Peachpit,
2008).pdf 13.5 MB
Programming Languages / PHP / Valade - PHP and MySQL Web Development All-In-One
Desk Reference for Dummies (Wiley, 2008).pdf
d - Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt - Definitive Guide to PyQt
(Prentice, 2007).pdf
5.5 MB
AP, UML, RSS / Cerami - Web Services Essentials (O'Reilly, 2002).pdf 1.7 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Coyle - XML, Web Services,
and the Data Revolution (AW, 2003).chm 3 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Deitel - XML - How to
Program (Prentice, 2000).pdf 24.2 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Evjenet - Professional XML (Wrox,
2007).chm 30.1 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Fitzgerald - Learning XSLT
(O'Reilly, 2003).chm 1.1 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Hamilton - Learning UML 2.0
(O'Reilly, 2006).chm 4 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Harold - XML in a Nutshell
3e (O'Reilly, 2004).chm 3.9 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Holman - Definitive XSL-FO
(Prentice, 2003).chm 2.2 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Holzner - Inside XML (New
Riders, 2000).chm 4.7 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Holzner - Inside XSLT (New
Riders, 2001).chm 809.6 KB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Holzner - Secrets of RSS (Peachpit,
2006).chm 20.9 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Holzner - Teach Yourself XML
in 21 Days 3e (Sams, 2003).chm 5.6 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Jacobs - Beginning XML with
DOM and Ajax - From Novice to Pro (Apress, 2006).pdf 9.1 MB
Programming Languages / XML, XSLT, SOAP, UML, RSS / Johnson - RSS and Atom in
Action - Web 2.0 Building Blocks (Manning, 2006).pdf 12 MB
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Roberts - Thinking Recursively [algorithms] (Wiley, 1986).pdf 4.5 MB
Roffel - Process Dynamics and Control (Wiley, 2006).pdf 13.7 MB
Rosch - Hardware Bible 6e.chm 4.4 MB
Ross - PC User's Bible (Wiley, 2007).chm 61.8 MB
Russell,Norvig - AI - Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach - 2nd
Edition.pdf 36.2 MB
Salomon - A Concise Introduction to Data Compression.pdf 2.2 MB
Salomon - Data Compression The Complete Reference 3rd Ed.pdf 14.7 MB
Salomon - Foundations of Computer Security (Springer, 2006).pdf 2.1 MB
Sammes - Forensic Computing - A Practioners Guide 2e (Springer, 2007).pdf 9.6 MB
Sayood - Introduction to Data Compression 3e (Morgan, 2006).pdf 49.7 MB
Scambray - Hacking Exposed - Windows 3e (McGraw, 2008).pdf 8 MB
Schneider - Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics.pdf 5.1 MB
Sherrod - Game Graphics Programming (Thomson, 2008).pdf 9.3 MB
Shi - Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering - Fundamentals,
Algorithms and Standards (CRC, 2000).pdf 18.9 MB
Shreiner - OpenGL Programming Guide 5e [The Redbook] (AW, 2005).pdf 54.8 MB
Shreiner - OpenGL Programming Guide 6e [The Redbook] (AW, 2008).pdf 122.3 MB
Sickle - Programming Microcontrollers in C - 2nd Ed.pdf 6.8 MB
Silberschatz - Database System Concepts, Fourth Edition.pdf 4.4 MB
Skiena - The Algorithm Design Manual 2e (Springer, 2008).pdf 3.9 MB
Smith - Digital Signal Processing - A Practical Guide for Engineers and
Scientists (Elsevier, 2003).pdf 22.7 MB
Smith - The Craft of System Security (AW, 2007).chm 5.3 MB
pringer,2007) WW.pdf 3 MB
Vector Math for 3D Computer Graphics - Interactive Tutorial (2000) WW.pdf 1.8 MB
Verth - Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications 2e (Morgan,
2008).pdf 9 MB
Vince - Geometry for Computer Graphics.pdf 5 MB
Volonino - Computer Forensics for Dummies (Wiley, 2008).pdf 9.4 MB
Walkenbach - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf 25.1 MB
Walker - Primer on Wavelets and Their Scientific Applications 2e (Taylor,
2008).pdf 16.4 MB
Walsh - Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 (Wordware, 2003).pdf 14 MB
Wang - Intelligent Data Analysis (IGI, 2009).pdf 6.2 MB
Warren - Hacker's Delight [computer arithmetic] (AW, 2002).chm 2.1 MB
Wayner - Data Compression for Real Programmers (Morgan, 1999).pdf 3.3 MB
Webb - Statistical Pattern Recognition 2e (Wiley, 2002).pdf 2.6 MB
Weber - Growing Up Online - Young People and Digital Technologies (Palgrave,
2007).pdf 1.5 MB
Weiss - Data Structures and Problem Solving with C++ IE 2e (AW, 2003).pdf 63.5
Whitrow - OpenGL Graphics Through Applications (Springer, 2008).pdf 12 MB
Wickerhauser - Mathematics for Multimedia (AP, 2004).pdf 15 MB
Williams - Computer Systems Architecture - Networking Approach 2e (Prentice,
2006).pdf 18.1 MB
Wolf - Video Game Explosion - A History from Pong to Playstation (Greenwood,
2008).pdf 2.4 MB
Wolfram - The Mathematica Book 5e (Wolfram, 2003).pdf 8.7 MB
Wong - Breaking Through the BIOS Barrier - BIOS Optimization Guide for PCs
(Prentice, 2005).pdf 6.1 MB
Wright - OpenGL SuperBible 4e.pdf 15.1 MB
Writing for Computer Science - J. Zobel (Springer, 1997) WW.pdf 11.8 MB
Zeller - Why Programs Fail - A Guide to Systematic Debugging (Elsevier,
2006).pdf 4.7 MB
Zonst - Understanding FFT Applications 2e [intro] (Citrus, 2004).djvu 2.6 MB
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