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بهترین ترانه ها عکسها و داونلود برنامه و جدیدترین فیلمهای ایرانی و خارجی

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بهترین ترانه ها عکسها و داونلود برنامه و جدیدترین فیلمهای ایرانی و خارجی

MapInfo Professional v-

MapInfo Professional v-
MapInfo Professional v- | size: 374 MB

MapInfo Professional - a full-featured geographic information system (professional tool for creating, editing and analysis of cartographic and spatial information). Integrates as a client in the distributed information system based servers: MS SQL, Oracle, Informix, DB2, Sybase and others to develop customized applications using the programming language MapBasic.
Data Sources MapInfo:
MapInfo Professional v- | size: 374 MB

MapInfo Professional - a full-featured geographic information system (professional tool for creating, editing and analysis of cartographic and spatial information). Integrates as a client in the distributed information system based servers: MS SQL, Oracle, Informix, DB2, Sybase and others to develop customized applications using the programming language MapBasic.
Data Sources MapInfo:
?ˆ? MapInfo tables
?ˆ? exchange of vector CAD formats, and geographic information systems: AutoCAD (DXF, DWG), Intergraph / MicroStation Design, ESRI Shape file, ARC / INFO Export, as well as raster maps in formats GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PCX, BMP, MrSID, PSD, ECW, BIL (images SPOT) and GRID (GRA, GRD). In MapInfo can display data from GPS and other electronic surveying instruments
?ˆ? Files are Excel, Access, xBASE, Lotus 1-2-3, and text, except where attribute information can be stored coordinates of the point-like objects
?ˆ? MapInfo GIS can act as a "mapping client" when dealing with such well-known databases such as Oracle and DB2, because it supports an effective mechanism to interact with them through the protocol ODBC. Moreover, access to data from the Oracle database is possible and through the internal interface (OCI) of the database

Ways of reporting:
?ˆ? Map and list
?ˆ? In the maps are available tools for editing and creating map objects, zoom, change projections, and other features of the card. Associated with map objects attributive information is stored in the form of tables, the data from which can be represented in the form of graphs and charts of various types
?ˆ? Legend. In the legends of the symbols displayed objects on the map and the thematic layers
?ˆ? Report. In the Report, which provides the means to scale, layout, and also save templates multivalent cards. By working with MapInfo, you can easily create and print reports with fragments of maps, lists, charts and captions. When printing MapInfo uses the standard drivers of the operating system ?ˆ?
?ˆ? Thematic maps. For visualizing and analyzing geographic spatial data using MapInfo GIS thematic mapping. MapInfo offers the following methods of constructing thematic maps: the ranges of values, bar and pie charts, graduated symbols, dot density, individual values, continuous surface. The combination of thematic layers and methods of buffering, zoning, mergers and decomposition of objects, spatial and attribute classification allows you to create synthetic multi-card with a hierarchical structure.

MapInfo Professional is a powerful Microsoft Windows-based mapping and geographic analysis application from the experts in location intelligence. Designed to easily visualize the relationships between data and geography, MapInfo Professional helps business analysts, planners, GIS professionals - even non-GIS users - gain new insights into their markets, share information-rich maps and graphs and improve strategic decision-making.

MapInfo Professional expands location intelligence:
See your business data in powerful new ways
?ˆ? Discover trends hidden in spreadsheets and charts
?ˆ? Gain new understanding of your customers and markets
?ˆ? Perform powerful data analysis and calculations
?ˆ? Create custom maps and content for analysis

Use geographic insights to innovate business processes
?ˆ? Manage location-based assets, people and property
?ˆ? Optimize service and sales territories for greater efficiencies
?ˆ? Deploy networks, infrastructure and utilities with confidence
?ˆ? Map resources, plan logistics and prepare for emergencies

Works and plays well with existing IT infrastructure
?ˆ? Designed and tested with Windows operating systems
?ˆ? Imports and exports data in a wide variety of formats
?ˆ? Easily customized to meet your specific needs

Buy Premium Account & enjoy premium features

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