February 29 DVDRip XCALiBER
DVDRip | 700 MB | 640x352 | 23 FPS | XviD
Don't expect something like "Ju on" or "The ring"! It may appearsimilar but the approach is different from those movies! There is thisUrban legend where the scares are build on. But look closely at thesource and the main character and you will know something is off! Thereare two twists at the ending which will motivate you to watch the movieagain! I think that for the avid horror fan there is not enough goreand action. The pace is a bit on the slow side! It would have made moreimpact if the movie had a faster pace and if there had been moremurders! I understand that this movie is more about the atmosphere! Thecinematography and location(the toll booth in the middle of nowhere)provide an ambiance which is creepy enough! In combination with theslow pace and the urban legend concerning 29 February you will be drawnin the movie! The main character is likable and not annoying! Even whenyou suspect something is wrong with her you will care for her! This iskey for the two twists at the ending! I give this movie 6.8 points outof 10!
password: ArchibalD